Our Team
Based in the city of Casper, Wyoming, we are passionate, innovative explorers dedicated to helping our clients and partners be successful in the discovery, development and production of petroleum and mineral reserves.
Registered/Licensed Professional Geologist, Wyoming PG-919
Tim McCutcheon brings 39 years of varied experience in the natural resources industry. His scientific and technical areas of expertise include regional exploration, prospect generation and development, surface and subsurface geologic mapping, property assessment, resource and reserve evaluations, project management and economic analysis, reservoir characterization for IOR & EOR, petrography/petrology, petrophysics and general seismic data interpretation. Principle geographic areas of experience include the greater Rocky Mountain Region, Alaska, Basin & Range, and northern Great Plains of the United States, onshore Africa (mostly Algeria and Tunisia) and the central Asian Republic of Kazakhstan.
Tim has a Bachelor of Science degree in geology from the University of Minnesota – Duluth and a Masters of Science degree in geology/geophysics from the University of Texas – El Paso. Post-graduated studies include industry sponsored training courses and field seminars through the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, the University of Texas, and numerous other institutions. Tim is a Geological Society of America Fellow, active member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, and Society of Economic Geologists. He is a member and past president of the Wyoming Geological Association. From 1995 to 2005 he served as a member of the Potential Gas Committee, Colorado School of Mines. Tim has authored or coauthored a number of scientific papers and abstracts relating to petroleum geology, igneous petrology, and economic geology.
Vice President/Member
Certified Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialist
FAA Part 107 Certified Remote Pilot
Karen Sue McCutcheon is an educator and for the past eight years has been a professional GIS Specialist and cartographer in the areas of geologic, surface/mineral estate data management and mapping. Her technical areas of expertise include GPS data gathering and data reduction, unmanned aerial systems data acquisition and mapping, computer-aided geo-reference and geospatial data analysis, integration of satellite/aerial imagery and other data to build databases and graphics for the natural resources industry. Karen Sue is an adjunct instructor for the earth science program at Casper College.
Karen Sue has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education from Kearney State College, Nebraska and a Masters of Education from Colorado State University, Colorado. She is a National Board Certified Teacher and recipient of the Presidential Award for excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. Karen Sue received her GIS Specialist Certification from Casper College, Wyoming and has completed additional training and education through ERSI, Stanford University, California, and LMKR GeoGraphix. She is a member of WyGEO and from 2013-2014 served as the GIS representative on the Wyoming Geographic Alliance Steering Committee.